Membership Tiers

Enjoy the flexibility to join at a level that meets your current age and stage in life.

Nonprofit Trailblazer Membership
Every month

cancel anytime

✓ Invite to organizational and fund development workshops
✓ 2 personalized fund development coaching sessions per year
✓ Monthly Grant Opportunity News Alerts
✓ Curated exclusive networking opportunities
✓ Discounts on Thrive Weekends and Events
Business Trailblazers Membership
Every month

Business Trailblazers are women ready to take their business or nonprofit to the next level. Cancel anytime.

✓ Curated exclusive networking opportunities.
✓ Access to 1:1 office hrs. with business and funding experts
✓ Invite to business development workshops
✓ Monthly funding opportunities report
✓ Discounts on Thrive Sis! Weekends and Special Events
Thrive Sis! General Membership

Youth Leaders Association

Membership tier for girls ages 14 - 19 years old

✓ Participation in YouthBiz Entrepreneurship Camp
✓ Participation in Scholarship Me Workshops
✓ Access to apply for the Thrive Sis! Scholarship Fund
✓ Free monthly scholarship e-newsletter


Donate a Membership

Show your support and allyship by supporting a Thrive Sis! membership to help a future entrepreneur reach her dreams.

Suggested Sponsorship Amount: $25 or cover an annual membership at $300

Sponsor Benefits:

  • A monthly update on member’s progress toward entrepreneurship goals

  • Name recognition in Thrive Sis! Annual Report

  • Tax deductible donation

Upcoming Events.